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User Testing Mastery Course


The Hidden Reason Why Your Site Isn’t Converting

Copy our most effective (and fastest) strategy that we guarantee will boost conversions and fatten thy profits, without guesswork or increasing traffic!

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You Currently Don’t Really Know Why Your Customers Are NOT Buying From You!

You’re only guessing.

It’s like being lost in the woods without a compass.

Sure, Apple pulled the rug out from under us and kicked us where it hurts with the iOS changes.

I won’t argue with that, however…

We’re in a new advertising world now.

It’s sink or swim.

Now more than ever, you need to know EXACTLY why people are NOT buying from your store…

And how to turn things around, without the expensive ‘guess work’.

Playing the “Guessing Game” is simply draining your resources and time …

And if you’re like almost every website owner out there…

1. It's affecting you financially, mentally, and emotionally...

2. It's likely stealing time away from your family...

3. It's affecting you financially, mentally, and emotionally...

Now, to be fair…

When it comes to finding out why people are NOT buying from your store, there are smart things you can do to help.

Shortly, I’ll share with you the #1 irrefutable way to KNOW how to turn your online business around.

No hype – All facts.

But first, it’s best for you if I share what other options are not working as well…

One option is…

You can make what we call “data-driven decisions!”

One of these tactics is reading data from google analytics… yet…

For most people, it’s waaaay too complicated, and:

That still only tells you WHAT is wrong and not the WHY.

You’re still not getting the whole truth!

Not even close

Another one of these tactics is a post-purchase survey.

Yet: For starters, you’re speaking to a buyer (not a non-buyer) …

What you really want is feedback from ‘non-buyers’ who were sitting on the fence and didn’t buy!

And that’s exactly what you’re about to learn—and how to do it the right way! Rather than having to guess why people are abandoning your site without purchasing, they’ll literally just tell you.

You see, hardly anyone surveys people who didn’t buy—and that’s the advantage with what I’m about to share!

I’ll cut to the chase…

This is (by far) the #1 single biggest needle mover we use right now in our brand-partnership agency to help clients…

1. Know exactly why people are not buying

2. Improve their website conversion rate

3. Turning browsers into buyers or subscribers

4. Increase their aov (average order value)

5. Making their margins a whole lot fatter...

Believe it or not…

All while avoiding days, weeks, or even months of waiting to see if the latest a/b split test worked…

It’s time to stop that “Pay & Pray” Marketing Tactic

The “Pay & Pray” strategy is “paying” to throw more money down the bottomless traffic pit, “praying” that a new creative will make the difference.

That’s the old way.

Quite simply, what I’m about to share (the new way) leaves every other conversion hack for dead!

And that says a lot considering we’ve contributed to over $100,000,000 of online sales in the last couple of years ($400,000,000 collectively).

Up until now we’ve only helped our top-paying BGS (Build Grow Scale) coaching clients, and brand partners with this strategy, and here are some of the before and after results:


“Over a two-month period, we DOUBLED our conversion rate, and we owe that in large part to the insights that came from the BGS user testing. A lot of changes we made to the site were guided by the feedback we received from the various people who tested our site. There were a number of clarity issues surrounding our products and our company that people had, which were honestly a complete shock to me. User testing immediately uncovered these, and once we addressed them on the updated version of the site… Well, as I already said, we doubled our conversion rate. If you’re not running user testing, you’re leaving money on the table. Plain and simple.”

~ Kim ShamsiddinOwner of ShamsWear.com

The quickest (and most predictable) way to make more sales and revenue from your website without giving another dollar to Zuckerburg!

OK, enough of the suspense…

What is this technique we’ve been using for years, but you’ve probably never even heard of?

It’s called “User Testing”, and like I’ve said… It’s leaving every other conversion hack for dead…

This is our “Heat-Seeking Missile” that allows website owners (like you and I) to know precisely, with pinpoint accuracy…

… WHY people are NOT buying from your website – And – the solutions to turn browsers into buyers!

Stay with me as I unpack this and prove to you…

Why doing USER TESTING (the right way) will also be YOUR next BIG WIN too.

Here’s a breakdown of doing USER TESTING the right way…

User testing is when you find and PAY ($$) ‘users’ to browse and shop from your website, BUT…

Not just any ‘user’…

Ideally, you want ‘users’ who match as closely as possible to your “Perfect Customer Avatar.”


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“User Testing Mastery” Course!

Step-By-Step Video Tutorials That Gives You Everything You Need To… Execute Advanced-Level “User Testing” On Your Store To Instantly Convert More Traffic To Sales Without Anymore Guesswork!

Here’s what it looks like…

There’s no reason to try this on your own because we’ve already got all the steps and templates laid out for you…

There are 8 video modules – no fluff, no filler.

I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in courses and trainings, and I HATE those long courses where they drone on and on…

So don’t worry, this isn’t one of those courses. From start to finish, it’ll take you less than 3 hours to zoom through it.

Less if you increase the speed!

You can do this if you’re a solo business owner or give it to team member.

It’s all in perfect order, so even Homer Simpson can follow along.

PLUS, You Get Our 57-Page, World-Class "Fast-Track Copywriting Blueprint" For FREE (Normally $197), To Write High-Converting Product Descriptions...

Module #1


• Why user testing is your new unfair advantage

• Course content and expectations explained

Module #2

What is User Testing?

• User testing defined

•Overview of the entire user testing process

•Ideal customer avatar explained

Module #3

Brainstorming the User Testing Tasks

•Our tried and tested user testing tasks template (say that 3x fast!)

• Ideology and principles behind the tasks

•Inspiration and questions to ask yourself for formulating the perfect tasks

Module #4

Live Walkthrough of Creating the User Testing Tasks

• No more theory – LIVE walkthrough of creating the tasks

• Clear reasoning behind why each task is given

• Remove any and all doubts you have about how to brainstorm your own tasks

Module #5

Recruiting People to do the User Testing

• Where to find people to perform the user testing for you

• Quickly and easily find people suitable for any niche

• How to instantly get a refund for any user testers that do a poor job

Module #6

User Testing Live Analysis Part 1

• Live analysis of a real user testing session

• See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback

• Whitness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.

Module #7

User Testing Live Analysis Part 2

• Live analysis of a real user testing session

• See exactly how Casey analyzes and interprets feedback

• Witness first-hand the incredible insights gained from user testing done the right way.

Module #8

Final Words

•Quick recap of everything we just learned

•Reminders and things to keep in mind when doing this for yourself

I promise you that you’ll waste 10X more than $37 on ads that don’t convert!


Regular Price: $397

Todays Price


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100% No-Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Buy it, Use it, Love it, or return it. It’s that simple.

The only smart thing to do now is to take action and put all the stress of your poor performing website behind you.

It’s time for a new chapter in your life.

One where your website starts generating the cash you’ve always wanted it to.

Click the button and get started on this, and I’ll see you on the first intro video!

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